Why does the audio on the Rascal Radio App keep stopping in the middle of a talk?
We apologize for any inconvenience caused while trying to access the Rascal Radio App. Unfortunately, the App does not support all mobile device versions, we currently support the following (OS) Operating Systems, iPhone (10) and Android (5), Blackberry users will need to log directly onto the Rascal Radio portal at rascal-radio.com.
Here are some suggestions that may help you fix the issue:
- Updating the software on your mobile device
- Uninstall and reinstall the app
- Clear Cache on the App
- When not using the App close Widgets to stop the App from crashing
If you continue to experience the same issue after having tried these suggestions, it’s possible that your cell phone memory is full causing the App to crash. Please use the Rascal Radio Web version instead of the App, by:
· Pulling up a browser and type (rascal-radio.com), click Sign In ,(the username and password are the same as your Life account).
· Or, log onto your Life account, click the black bars > Access Products > Rascal Radio